
Leave your bandage on for 2-4 hours. If its now evening, just sleep with it. Having it covered longer won’t hurt it. Taking the bandage off before the skin has had a chance to close up might.

After taking off the bandage, wash your tattoo thoroughly with a mild soap such as Dove bar soap. Wash well. All of the old goo, plasma, blood should be washed off. Pat it dry with a clean towel, or let air dry. Apply a small, pea sized amount of unscented lotion such as curelle or lubriderm to your tattoo. Rub it in.

First 2 days: wash your tattoo 1-2 times a day, unscented lotion 2 times a day

Third day – 2 weeks: wash 2-3 times a day, unscented lotion 2-4 times a day

PLEASE DO NOT: Do not use products containing aloe vera, perfume soaps, antibacterial anything, or perfumed/scented lotions. Do not scratch or pick at your healing tattoo. Slapping to relieve itching is fine. Do not soak your brand new tattoo. Examples of soaking: swimming, hot tubbing, taking baths, bikram yoga classes. Do not sun your new tattoo. Sun will eat your pigment. After you are completely healed, use sunscreen.

OTHER SUGGESTIONS: Stay hydrated. Keep your tattoo clean and give it plenty of air. Wear Clean clothes